New Website

Your AZEMAD Destination. Get Connected. Get Inspired. Get Geared Up.

A new beginning, a new digital experience for Rink Hockey. We are very excited to announce the launch of the new –  new website, new concept and  new design. Times are changing and after months of work and dedication, we are pleased to officially launch our new virtual space, today 01/10/20.

We want to provide our followers with more of a dynamic and engaging experience, where the community feels connected to the project and Rink Hockey sport in general. With this new concept and beginning, we do not intend to stop here and we are aiming to continue bringing constant evolution and new dynamic to the whole website.

It is important for us to be recognized not only for our quality products, but also for the innovation, enthusiasm, dedication and passion that we mean to convey to all of our followers and those who collaborate with us. With this mindset, the presentation of a more detailed and updated Product Catalog, intends to be intuitive and provide users with an enriching navigation experience between products.

The introduction of an AZEMAD Blog toward not only at the brand but also at Rink Hockey playing, aims to keep everyone informed about their favorite AZEMAD Players, Events, Mini Hockey, Product Development and Technological Innovations, in addition to Guides and Tutorials for the sport, among other contents. Sharing information aims to be constant and regular, bringing new sources of interest to the entire community.

But the news won´t stop there and it´s our goal to continue building a dynamic and ever evolving website. Join our community, be part of #TeamAZEMAD and be the first to know everything about our offers, news and events.

And you, what news would you like to see? For questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, fill out our contact form.

Get Connected. Get Inspired. Get Geared Up.

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